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The Worlds of Pphost

Haven Lore


Time in Haven

Haven -> General

Officially, Haven uses Dalereckoning (DR) and was discovered by accident six years ago in 1491 DR. While officially Haven uses the Calendar of Harptos names for the months (from begining to end: Hammer, Alturiak, Ches, Tarsakh, Mirtul, Kythorn, Flamerule, Eleasis, Eleint, Marpenoth, Uktar, and Nightal), there are so many competing calendars with their own month names that most people in Haven just use the number of the months, like “fourth-month”, “seventh-month”, etc. To make things more confusing, the gnomes adopted a seven-day week. Seven-day weeks and thirty-day months don’t work well together. There is overlap and no serious, self-respecting world would use a system like this, but gnomes, what can you say?

The day is divided up into 24 hours that approximate the days on many worlds. A bell tower in the Officials marks the daylight hours and chimes once at midnight.

The sun, named Zahal, is a demiplane of fire that orbits in a flat, long elliptical orbit around Haven. (Cassandra would be the first to tell you that there is no distance in the Ethereal, so these analogies are used to explain what is going on in the Ethereal in a way that an ordinary person can understand.) Seasons are the result of the distance to Zahal, so that both northern and southern hemispheres share the same seasons. Haven’s two moons, Sohal and Mehal, are believed to be demiplanes of Air and Water respectively. It is believed by some that the positions of the two moons can be used to predict the weather. Attempts to do so have ranged from unimpressive to spectacularly inaccurate.