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The Worlds of Pphost

Haven Lore


Cassandra's Magic

Haven -> Locations -> Scholars

Available for a wide variety of spell casting needs, Cassandra’s Magic also sells a selection of potions and scrolls at reasonable prices. Magic items can be crafted to the client’s specifications. There are also three small workspaces in the back available for rent or lease. Each is equipped with basic magical equipment, while more specialized equipment may be borrowed as available, all included in the rental price. Cassandra is specifically not available. Any client who insists on her personal attention is charged a 200% surcharge that she refers to as an “annoyance tax”.

Cassandra has apprentices so that she can devote her full attention to Haven’s planar travel problem. She spends nearly all her time on the roof of the three story building that houses Cassandra’s Magic with what most folks call “The Device”. Well over 20 feet in height and taking up most of the roof, it’s composed of polished brass, steel and crystal, wheels upon wheels, balance beams, gears, springs, and pendulums, and is in constant motion. She sits at the base of the thing, studying it and occasionally casting Mage Hand to adjust its workings. Cassandra believes that a chunk of primordial chaos circles Haven in an eccentric orbit. She believes that if she can make sense of that orbit, she can stop the rifts entirely and make travel in and out of Haven safe again.



Following the apprentice through the back of the shop and up to the second floor, you can hear the noises emanating from the Device above. Ceiling beams groan, the walls vibrate, and occasional whistles pierce the air. It’s all a bit unsettling, but the individual standing before you doesn’t seem to be bothered in the slightest. Cassandra looks you over critically, shaking her head and sighing softly to herself as she paces from one end of your lineup to the other. While she certainly has the appearance of a scholar, with ink-stained finger tips, disheveled hair, and stacks of books and notes scattered about what seems to be her office, Cassandra is also wearing the garb of an engineer of sorts. She has a leather belt with several pouches filled with a wide variety of tools, notebooks, rulers, and things you don’t recognize. Her manner is not frantic, but all of her movements seem to come at an abnormally quick pace. As with all things, though, Cassandra does come to an eventual stop.

(x indicates an item that PCs might encounter in this location)

Real Life Issues Used as Fantasy

[x] Genocide [  ] Sexual Assault [  ] Police Oppression
[  ] Racism [  ] Religious Intolerance [  ] Homelessness
[x] Sexism [x] Pregnancy and Abortion [x] Natural Disasters
[x] Homophobia [x]Government Corruption  


  References Romantic Gestures PDAs*
Opposite (or very different) Genders [x] [x] [x]
Same (or very similar) Genders [x] [x] [x]
Humanoid and Sentient Non-Humanoid [x] [x] [x]

* - Public Displays of Affection

Other Activities

[x] Gambling [x] Drinking Alcohol [  ] Use of Illicit Drugs [x] Casual Sex


[  ] Insects [  ] Harm to Children [  ] Cancer/Disease [  ] Filth
[  ] Blood [  ] Harm to Animals [  ] Terrorism [  ] Famine
[  ] Gore [  ] Torture [  ] Cannibalism