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The Worlds of Pphost

Haven Lore


The Stumbalon Inn

Haven -> Locations -> Shopps

A comforting glow emanates from the several windows lining the first floor of the building as you approach. As you get closer, you hear a gorgeous, silky voice gliding out into the streets like smoke from a pipe, swirling and ethereal. Finally, the smells of fresh baked bread, seasoned meats, and savoury stews reach your nose. Above you, an illuminated, wooden sign modestly declares this building to be “The Stumbalon Inn.” Weary traveller, search no further, your place of respite is found.

As you enter through the large, red door, the sights, sounds, and wonderful smells are fully unleashed and you are greeted warmly by Finnan Glenfellow, a well-dressed and very pleasant halfling fellow, appearing to be somewhere on the high side of middle-aged. “Welcome friends, please do join us! As you can see, we are quite busy this evening, but never too busy to bring a few more in! Now will you be dining with us this evening, or perhaps you require a room or two for the night?” He speaks loudly enough to be heard over the din, but not so loud as to disrupt the bardic performance taking place on the small stage at the front of the dining area. Your eyes are drawn to the blue-skinned tiefling woman currently in the middle of a stirring rendition of “The Iolaire”. You know the song from your time in the Moonshaes, but you’re surprised to hear it in an inn in Haven. “You’ll be having a meal with us, then? Delightful! Now I’m sure you’re well aware of our reputation, friends, but I’m sure you’ll also find our prices to be quite reasonable and even though our menu may not be the most exotic, everything on it is a blue ribbon winner, I guarantee!”

Looking around the large, bustling room, you notice that there isn’t the usual bar, but there are a couple of long, rectangular high top tables in the middle of the room that appear to have sufficient open seats to accommodate your party. Finnan notices the direction of your gaze, smiles to himself, and declares, “I think I know just the spot for you all, please follow me. You’ll find this spot to be a bit cozy, but you’ll have a great view of Muse Ronwe, the finest bard in all of Haven, and if you like, you may wish to strike up a conversation with some of your fellow patrons. Share some tales of your homes and of the dreams you have for young Haven! And when you’re done, I’m sure you’ll want to meet my wife, Lidda, to get a room for the night. She’ll take good care of you, of that you can be sure!”

Proprietors & Performers

Finnan and Lidda Glenfellow

Halflings and proprietors of the Stumbalon Inn. Finnan runs the restaurant and is somewhat anxious, but pleasant enough. He is always concerned about the quality of the service, food, and entertainment provided by the Inn, but as far as anyone can recall, everything is always top notch. He frequently mingles w/the patrons and knows the regulars quite well. Lidda is in charge of managing the inn and is no nonsense and matter of fact in her dealings with the guests, staff, and her husband. As with the restaurant, the inn is very well run and always to the guests’ liking. Both Finnan and Lidda are well informed regarding the goings on in Haven and are a good source of information for visitors and an even better source for characters that might endeavour to get to know them better.

Muse Ronwe

Tiefling bard, College of Eloquence. Muse is the “bard-in-residence” and featured performer at the Stumbalon Inn. A strikingly beautiful woman, in Faerun she had attracted the patronage of a minor noble of Silverymoon and was trained at the prestigious College of Fochlucan. Much to the dismay of her patron and those she entertained, she was pulled to Haven at the height of her most inspiring performance. While she blames her infernal heritage for this planar mishap, Muse is making the best of it in Haven. With her skill and exotic beauty giving her the choice of any venue, she aligned herself with the Stumbalon Inn due to her preference of singing to sober crowds that can truly appreciate her talents. When Muse isn’t performing at the Inn, she might be serving as the MC for other performers or for the occasional open stage night for locals to show off their performing talents. Muse does perform elsewhere in Haven on occasion and, like the proprietors of the Inn, knows much of the behind the scenes machinations across the city. She is also not above accompanying adventurers on their campaigns if her skills can be of use.