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The Worlds of Pphost

Haven Lore


Drusilla's Forest

Haven -> Locations -> Scholars

Drusilla Liadon runs a chained library that is free for all the citizens of Haven. It consists of the three main stacks, each capable of seating ten people, with five on each side. There are two smaller bookcases against the walls that can seat two more people each. Anyone wanting their own copy of a book can contract with Drusilla, who will have one of her kenku assistants produce a duplicate. She keeps rare or unusual books for sale in the back. Drusilla also teaches a variety of languages, time permitting. There is a box for donations. She is considered quite eccentric. The name of her establishment is a joke more obvious in Elven than Common that most wood elves find offensive.


Books In Stock

Language Tutoring

Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnomish, Infernal, Orc, Primordial, Sylvan, and Undercommon


Drusilla Liadon

Drusilla, a wood elf, is a book dealer and a Danarian in the sense that she lived there from before the Fall until the Evacuation. While Danarians have a reputation for being extraordinarily resilient, this is not true of many of the initial survivors, some of whom were long-lived enough to have experienced the entire time in Hell. Drusilla seems to have been ‘broken’ by the experience. While her knowledge of academic subjects is encyclopedic, her personal memories come and go and change without warning or reason. She is subject to fits of rage, terror, and confusion, sometimes in rapid succession. This does not seem to affect her linguistic expertise, as she teaches a variety of languages.

Drusilla lives alone in a small apartment above her shop and has been known to be quite hostile and even violent to other wood elves.

Downtime Activities

Research Options

Adventurers may study a wide array of topics under Drusilla’s supervision.

Language Options

Refer to the list above, under Language Tutoring.

(x indicates an item that PCs might encounter in this location)

Real Life Issues Used as Fantasy

(the Chained Library contains books on these subjects)

[x] Genocide [x] Sexual Assault [x] Police Oppression
[x] Racism [x] Religious Intolerance [x] Homelessness
[x] Sexism [x] Pregnancy and Abortion [x] Natural Disasters
[x] Homophobia [x]Government Corruption  


  References Romantic Gestures PDAs*
Opposite (or very different) Genders [x] [  ] [  ]
Same (or very similar) Genders [x] [  ] [  ]
Humanoid and Sentient Non-Humanoid [x] [  ] [  ]

* - Public Displays of Affection

Other Activities

[  ] Gambling [  ] Drinking Alcohol [  ] Use of Illicit Drugs [  ] Casual Sex


[  ] Insects [  ] Harm to Children [  ] Cancer/Disease [  ] Filth
[  ] Blood [  ] Harm to Animals [  ] Terrorism [  ] Famine
[  ] Gore [  ] Torture [  ] Cannibalism